Update Regarding COVID-19



New measures take effect Wednesday, Nov. 18, in all Oregon counties
Portland, OR—Governor Kate Brown today announced a statewide Two-Week Freeze, implementing new measures to limit gatherings and stop the rapid spread of COVID-19 across Oregon. The Two-Week Freeze measures will be in effect from Nov. 18 through Dec. 2, statewide. These risk reduction measures are critical in limiting the spread of COVID-19, reducing risk in communities more vulnerable to serious illness and death, and helping conserve hospital capacity so that all Oregonians can continue to have access to quality care.

“Since I announced a Two-Week Pause one week ago, we are seeing an alarming spike in both cases and hospitalizations,” said Governor Brown. “The virus is spreading in the community and, every day, it is infecting more and more Oregonians. This situation is dangerous and our hospitals have been sounding the alarms. If we want to give Oregon a fighting chance, we must take further measures to flatten the curve and save lives. I know this is hard, and we are weary. But, we are trying to stop this ferocious virus from quickly spreading far and wide. And in Oregon, we actually can do this.

“Given the data and modeling we are seeing, my public health experts tell me that some counties will need longer to flatten the curve. So I want to be very clear that there are some COVID-19 hotspot counties that will likely need to stay in the Freeze for much longer than two weeks. Multnomah County, for example, will be in this Freeze for at least four weeks. Our actions right now, no matter where in the state you live, are critical.”

The Two-Week Freeze measures include:
• Limiting social get-togethers (indoors and outdoors) to no more than six people, total, from no more than two households.
• Limiting faith-based organizations to a maximum of 25 people indoors or 50 people outdoors.
• Limiting eating and drinking establishments to take-out and delivery only.
• Closing gyms and fitness organizations.
• Closing indoor recreational facilities, museums, indoor entertainment activities, and indoor pools and sports courts.
• Closing zoos, gardens, aquariums, outdoor entertainment activities, and outdoor pools.
• Limiting grocery stores and pharmacies to a maximum of 75% capacity and encouraging curbside pickup.
• Limiting retail stores and retail malls (indoor and outdoor) to a maximum of 75% capacity and encouraging curbside pickup.
• Closing venues (that host or facilitate indoor or outdoor events).
• Requiring all businesses to mandate work-from-home to the greatest extent possible and closing offices to the public.
• Prohibiting indoor visiting in long-term care facilities (outdoor visitation permitted for supporting quality of life).
The Two-Week Freeze does not apply to or change current health and safety protocols for personal services (such as barber shops, hair salons, and non-medical massage therapy), congregate homeless sheltering, outdoor recreation and sports, youth programs, childcare, K-12 schools, K-12 sports currently allowed, current Division 1 and professional athletics exemptions, and higher education — all of which can continue operating under previous guidance issued by the Oregon Health Authority.

For all other permitted activities listed above, the Oregon Health Authority will be issuing sector-specific guidance within the next week. Sectors without specific prohibitions or guidance must operate under this general employer guidance.


We have so appreciated the opportunity to come together. As many of you have probably heard, Oregonians are being asked to wear masks when out in public.

The River Center is going to comply with this order starting on July 5th, while you’re attending services you will be required to wear a mask in the building.  I appreciate your willingness to comply with what is being expected of us during this difficult time. 

Here is the information that was sent out on Monday July 29th.

Gov. Kate Brown will require Oregonians throughout the state to wear face masks while in indoor public spaces beginning Wednesday.

The Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems stands in support of Governor Kate Brown’s statewide public face covering requirement. We know that when we all make the choice to wear a face covering in public, we are doing our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. With cases on the rise rapidly across the state, it is now more important than ever to take this step to protect our loved ones, our neighbors, and our communities. Further, if we are to coexist alongside the disease, wide adoption of public face coverings is an essential factor in keeping our businesses and public spaces open. OAHHS urges all Oregonians to wear a face covering in public, and to help reinforce this critical message by talking to your friends and family about the importance of wearing a face covering in public.

Children under the age of 12, as well people with a disability or medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask, are exempt from the order.

We will continue to livestream on Facebook and YouTube for those who are uncomfortable with being in a public environment. We want to mention that there are exceptions to wearing a mask while attending, for those that have health/medical reasons.

Oregon Health Authorities:

Customers and visitors of businesses and indoor spaces open to the public are required to:

Wear a mask, face shield, or face covering unless the individual is under 12 years of age, except as follows:

  • Masks, face shields or face coverings are not required while eating or drinking.
  • Masks, face shields or face coverings are not required when at a business or in an indoor space open to the public and engaged in an activity that makes wearing a mask, face shield or face covering not feasible, such as strenuous physical exercise, or performers singing or playing an instrument if at least six (6) feet of distance is maintained from others.

Individuals who have a medical condition that makes it hard to breathe or a disability that prevents the individual from wearing a mask, face shield or face covering can request an accommodation to enable full and equal access to services, transportation, and facilities open to the public.

It is important as Christ’s followers we set an example in our community to support those that have God given authority over us. (Romans 13) Wearing a mask doesn’t limit us in fulfilling what God is speaking to us as a church. My prayer is for our Church will be a beacon of light during these dark time. 

Please be in prayer for our Mayor, Governor and President as they lead us through unfamiliar waters. 


If you didn't get a chance to hear our President last week talk about how Faith Communities are now considered "Essential" it is worth watching.


The River Center will begin having services on June 7th. We will continue to broadcast our services for all those that are not comfortable or are more vulnerable to the virus.  You will be able to watch the service on our Youtube channel therivercenter or on our River Center Facebook Page.

Please take a look at the "Gathering Guidelines" before attending a service so that you are prepared to follow the safe practices we've put together.

To find the Guidelines just click on the rotator at the home page that says, "Sunday Service Starting June 7th".


If you would like to know that lastest information from the State of Oregon click on this LINK


Lebanon Oregon COVID-19 Response & Recovery

The River Center is part of "Recovers" if you are in need of assistance please click on this link https://lebanon.recovers.org/

This site is to bring volunteers, recources and needs together in one location.  If you want to help or are in need of help please take advantage of what is available to you through "Recovers".


President Donald Trump on Sunday extended the voluntary national shutdown for a month, public-health experts told him the coronavirus pandemic could claim over 100,000 lives in the U.S., perhaps significantly more, if not enough is done to fight it.

The initial 15-day period of social distancing urged by the federal government expires on Tuesday our President decided to extend it through April 30. Many states and local governments have stiffer controls in place on mobility and gatherings.


CLICK HERE to see how the State Police in Oregon are doing to enforce the Executive order by Gov. Brown.





Sunday service will be on video at therivercenter.net  

Facebook and on our River Center App 

on Sundays at 10:00 AM

If you need assistance or wish to contact our staff and pastors please contact us at 541-451-1271 during our adjusted office hours, starting on Monday March 23rd.  Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm. *NOTE* The church office will be closed until further notice for walk in traffic.  Please call to arrange appointment.

In response to the Governor’s statewide cancellation of all group gatherings of 25 or larger and the President’s guideline to cancel gatherings larger than 10 people,  The River Center will be suspending all services, group meetings, as well as youth gatherings until we get the all-clear from our state and local representatives.

During this unprecedented global health crisis, we are committed to protecting the most vulnerable in our community and will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds.

Financial gifts can be made online through our website or River Center App. You are also invited to stop by the River Center during business hours to drop off your tithes and offerings.

I would encourage us all to set up online giving at this time. This will allow the church to continue serving our community as well as the outreach ministries we are supporting.  It’s easy as clicking on the link below, it’s safe and it’s secure.  This will keep everyday operations flowing smoothly.


Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness during this time.

We have put a link on a banner at the top of our website, updating you with new and relevant information.

If you have any questions or needs, please reach out to us. 

Warren Stroup 541-570-9754

Galen Troyer 541-619-6174

Gary Bittner 971-239-9610

Lynn Koehn 541-619-6190

Bob Elliott 541-401-1033


Good afternoon Church and Lebanon Community.  Today Governor Kate Brown has issued a far-reaching Executive Order No. 20-10 ordering Oregonians to stay at home  unless you have to go to work, get groceries, or walk the dog.  Govern Brown said to continue to practice aggressive social distancing when you are out and about. 

If you would like to set up an appointment with our Pastoral staff please call us at the numbers listed above.  We will schedule a Zoom meeting at our earliest conveniance. 

Thank you so much for your continued understanding and support during this time!

-River Center Team


I just received this link from Pastor Ted Hoit in Idaho.  This is a helpful website as we take every precaution during this time.


One of the things we talked about this morning with the local pastors, through Zoom was the tention between Faith and Prudence.  During this time allow the Holy Spirit to guide your steps, but at the same time wash your hands and keep your distance. This isn't the lack of faith, this is walking in faith, while honoring our brothers and sisters.  This isn't a time to test God and see what happens, this is a time to seek wisdom, pray and find creative ways to serve one another.